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نوفمبر 19
- How Can Earn More Mony From Google adsense
- Adsense Black List Increase Your Adsense Revenue
- grande accordée à cliquez sur les sites
- Ad Placement for high click through rate
- Tips How To Avoid PTC Scams
- How to Make Money from your Blog?
- Can Blog be a Source of Income?
- Earn Cash Make Money Online
- How I make Extra Money - Neobux - Best PTCSince my...
- bux
- hot opportunities to have ajob
- The relationship between the financial crisis and ...
- Employees
- Egyptian times
نوفمبر 19

this is where traffic comes
- site contents
- On page optimization [ keywod , meta tags , description ]
- Manual link submission
- Article writing
- Back Link ... [ Exchange , advertisement ]

You can name those websites as bad websites because they are low paying advertisers ($0.01-$0.05) while you can get more from other advertisers.
I’m sure now you want to block those websites from your ads, well there is an option in your Adsense account which is called as the “Competitive Ad Filter”
This feature allow you to add all these bad sites or low paying advertisers and your website’s competitors in order to increase your eCPM and your overall total income .

The Competitive Ad Filter enables you to block specific ads, such as competitors’ ads, from appearing on your pages. Entering a more general URL will block a wider range of ads; entering a more specific URL will block a smaller range of ads. For example, by entering a top level domain such as “example.com”, you’ll also block all ads that link to any sub-directories of that domain, like “forums.example.com”. Review the examples below to learn how you can create filters that will block only the range of ads you want.
I know that everyone would be interested in receiving $0.50/click on an average, if you are one of them, then I’m sure that you have to work on your adsense ads placement (Targeting aswell) & block these adverts which pay very low.
Well you will not close this page and go with nothing, I’d help you to complete this step of increasing your revenue. Here I got with me some advertisers which should be blocked using the “Competitive Ad Filter” option, because many of these are just MFA sites.
Also I got with me a useful website for this option, you can generate your own block list.
Website link: http://www.blogger.com/www.adsblacklist.com
If you find this article useful feel free to bookmark it and share it with others/your friends.
Make sure to not copy the article and paste in your blog .

Salariale est de cliquer sur les annonceurs paient lorsque l'utilisateur fait de cliquer sur une annonce pour visiter le site Web de l'annonceur.
Pourquoi ne font-ils le faire? Disons que vous avez un site Web et vous prévoyez de vendre quelque chose. Qu'est-ce que vous avez besoin? A droite, vous avez besoin de visiteurs à votre site Web. Comment allez-vous faire de la vente si vous n'avez pas de véritable visiteurs? Il peut prendre des semaines, des mois ou même plus pour obtenir un nouveau site Web hausse dans le classement dans les meilleurs moteurs de recherche. C'est le point où de nombreux webmasters à rendre leur tour-à-cliquez sur Programs.
Mais qu'est-ce qu'un PTC? PTC publicité, c'est avoir la diffusion de vos annonces sur différents moteurs de recherche et / ou des répertoires, puis de payer un montant fixe d'argent chaque fois qu'un visiteur clique sur votre annonce. Lorsque vous vous inscrivez à ces PTC programs, vous êtes payé à cliquer sur les annonces et de visiter les sites Web. Le processus est facile et généralement ils fourniront ~ 10 annonces par jour pour vous visiter. Il vous suffit de cliquer sur un lien et afficher un site Web pour ~ 30 secondes pour gagner de l'argent. Prix régulier pour un site visité est de 0,01 c.
Vous voulez gagner plus? La prochaine étape est de devenir membre Premium. Primes? Au moins 20 annonces par jour, vos parrainages va gagner pour vous ~ 25% de plus, vous recevrez ~ 25% de plus en visitant le site Web de l'annonceur, la priorité des paiements. Pour augmenter votre revenu plus vite vous pouvez acheter des packs de renvoi. Combinée avec la prime affiliations, vos bénéfices augmenteront beaucoup plus rapidement.

YES, Placing the ads in the page plays a vital roll in the adsense earning. The visitors of your site will not search for the ads to click and you also cannot say to click the ads. You must make your ads more visible to your visitors. I saw several blogs with Google ads but they will be at the very bottom of the blog or anywhere in the page that cannot be seen. or in the side bar which will never going get a single click on it.
So you have a question, Then where I place the ads? The placing ads must be within the content and as the content. you can place the ads in the starting of the blog post. this will grab the attention of the readers. When they try to read the blog post the will look for the starting of the article, when they do this they will see the ads so now you have a chance to get clicked.
The best method that will help you to get maximum clicks is to blend the ads with the content. The content is attached to the ads. Some blogger templates does not support this format, however you can do this in your own HTML web design.
Some people place all the here and there in their blog. I saw a blog with the ads all placed in the right side of the blog. This seams like the blogger posted the links of his favorites, in the next second you will get at least one click. Like this there are several bloggers who are using a different king of techniques to get maximum clicks from their visitors.
The biggest advantage is we can place 3 ad units and 3 adsense for content. So we have a variety of choice to place ads.
Many people don't uses the ad units. They are very powerful medium of ads, so use the link units were ever you can.

Have you ever heard about PTC? BUX? YES? So if you have ever been involved in such money making online, I am sure you have been fooled by the admins of some PTC sites. You do your "job" (usually clicking the ads that are paid) and after you get the minimal payout the money is not paid for you. This is called SCAM. It is not possible to avoid all scams, but there are a few tips to avoid most of them. I will try to name some of them.
So now let me make a brief review on these tips.
1. Avoid Sites with Free Hosts and Free Domains.
Explanation: A lot of new site pop up with a free hosts like webspacemania, 000webhost etc. and free domains like websitename.co.cc, websitename.tk, websitename.co.nr etc. All such sites should be avoided.
Reason: When the owner cant invest a few bucks in getting a good Hosting and a good Domain Name, how do you expect such a person to pay you for a long time.
Best Example: ExcellentBux which started off with a free host and ultimately turned out a scam. One more example: lifebux.web44.net uses web44.net free hosting services. Such sites can't be trusted!
2. Avoid Sites with the Default Design
Explanation: Every script has their own default design. For example: YourOwnBux scripts have a white layout and adbux script has a greyish layout and so on and on and on.
Reason: Well, if a user doesnt have his own creativity to get a good design or atleast cannot pay someone to make his site unique what confirmation do you get to say that they will pay you for a long while Wink
Best Example: 5Buxs.cn, still the same old YOB script and design and yet a scam.
3. No Forum? No Support? Not Trusted!!!
Explanation: A new PTC doesnt have a forum or any other means of Support System other than the contact page? Such sites a least trusted.
Reason: This clearly states that the owner doesnt want to interact with his users and attend their technical/any kind of problem with their site, you can never expect him/her to be hanging around for a long while. And you will have the least chances of getting paid.
Best Example: 5Buxs.cn, no forum, no news, no payments :p
4. Bugs Found? No Improvement? No Payment.
Explanation: Generally pre-made scripts like the Bux.to clone and YourOwnBux has built in bugs in them. Found any bug in the script, the most found bug Referral Bug. Verify it with someone who has already signed up before you if the site has a referral bug or not and then you can try your luck.
Reason: When the site owner cant fix a small bug or cant hire a coder to fix a minor bug, how can he afford to pay its users or can fix a Payment Bug or Referral Purchase Bug and ultimately you will be the loser.
5. Default TOS/FAQ/Privacy Policy, Default Payments=No Payments.
Explanation: Read the TOS/FAQ/Privacy Policy before joining a site. Scams generally dont update them since they are lazy. You should avoid them
Reason: A lazy owner to update a few details will surely be lazy to pay the site's users or add referrals or premium membership or respond to a Support Ticket. So, what is it now? A scam ;)
The original bux.to layout and content:

The copy of bux.to:

As we see it's the same. Laziness ...
Well, these are a few tips i can recommend you guys to help you avoid New Scams. But this doesn't mean all the other sites are legit. I know a great example around like VelocityClicks which had all these and yet scammed. So, PTC is always a risky business it's up to your decision at the end if you want to Join, Invest or Promote a New PTC site :)
Good luck and don't get fooled ;)

A blog is a user-generated website that shows the newest entries at the home page and allows the users to post their comments and reviews. The people, who want to earn money through blogs, need to share their opinions and reviews about the products and services of the advertisers.
The blogs provides an excellent format for the news, reviews, sports, celebrities, cooking, humor, technology and entertainment websites. You can earn money in blogging by three popular ways i.e. advertisement, writing reviews and through blogging.
Blogging not only provides you the opportunity to express your ideas and thoughts but also provide the way to earn money. To earn through you blog, it is necessary that you need to make your blog more popular by driving the huge number of targeted visitors.
There are a lot of blogging networks on the internet. As a blogger, you can sign up with these blog networks and start realistic commenting on the advertisers’ products and services. The advertisers pay you for spreading their name and brand.
Blogging is another good way to drive traffic to your website. You can find a good number of blogs from blogsearch.google.com and make a list. Start commenting on the blogs in your niche and if you comments are realistic and interesting the more traffic you will get, which will be converted to money.

Did you know that there is only 1% of blogger become successful? I have read that in a famous blog and I guess its true. I’ve been blogging for 3 mohts I am earning in Adsense but just a penny. It cannot even pay my hosting from that. I know that Blogging is not a source of instant money.The formula of making money out of your blog is very simple. I come up with a formula Money = Create Blog + Update it + Drive Traffic+ Monetize Traffic, that is the only thing you should do in blogging. But that is not easy thing to do, espicially driving traffic. Driving traffic is the most difficult part in your blogging career. If you can drive 100k/UV per day, you can now stop working in your other jobs. Your blog can now give you a better living.
So if you want and Earning Blog try to read, ask people with experience and work hard. Blogging is not an EASY MONEY you should work for it and its not instant it would take years to make it.

Read the list of PTC sites below...
PTC is not a fast rich scheme in earning money... You just need to be patient to do this simple work. You do not need any extra or special skills or talent to make this your business. All you need is an internet connection and a computer.
A direct answer to this question is, BY REFERRALS! The more referrals you have, the more earnings you get. Every ad that your referral clicked will also be credited to your own earnings. Earnings are virtually endless with more referrals.
Here is an earning example for one PTC Site with only 20 referrals.
1. You click 10 ads per day = $0.10
2. 20 referrals click 10 ads per day = $2.00
3. Your daily earnings = $2.10
4. Your weekly earnings = $14.70
5. Your monthly earnings = $63.00
This one PTC account is based on 20 referrals, and this account earns $63 monthly! That's just based for a number of 20 referrals, what if there are more referrals? What if there are more ads to click? Earnings are virtually endless!
Furthermore, what if you have many PTC sites joined with also many referrals? wow! thats lots of many. So to start, read the list of all PTC sites below:

Based on these assumptions, 2 times 2 is 4 times 30 cents = $1.20 income from referral clicks. That would make my ROI a whopping 30 cents. Anything above that is gravy.
Remember, this is just a test. If it works out and I earn a positive ROI from the rentals then I’ll rent more referrals and watch my income go up. When I hit my next payout minimum ($3.00 + 50%) then I’ll cash out and continue renting referrals with my remainder account. If you feel like you’d like to give Neobux a try and test it for yourself then become one of my direct referrals and we can help each other succeed.


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Before you delve into the intricacies of the stock market, the first thing you should understand is what exactly a stock is. Stocks, which are also known as shares, are portions of companies that people can buy, and therefore own part of the company. But even though you may own a part of a company, only those who have invested a lot of money into the company have any real say in how the company is run.
There are two different types of shares: preferred shares and common shares. When you invest in common shares, there is a greater risk of losing part or even all of the investment that you have put into the company should the company stop functioning. Why is this? Because creditors, bond holders and preferred shared holders have a higher rank than the common shareholders, and because of this they will get the first chance to get some of the money they have put in if the company goes out of business.
By the same token, the investors who have preferred shares have a higher standing than the ones with common shares, but still have to get in line behind the creditors when it comes to how much of the company they own, or getting paid if the company goes out of business. In addition to having more of a say in the company decisions than those who have common shares, investors who have preferred shares can also look forward to higher dividends.
There are two ways to purchase stocks - investors can either use a brokerage, or buy their stocks through Direct Investment Plans or Dividend Reinvestment plans.
If you decide to purchase stocks through a brokerage, you can go one of two ways. If you are going to trust the experts to do the right thing, and leave it in their hands, then you should go with the services of a full service brokerage. But, if money is a consideration and you don't want to spend the money on a full service brokerage, you can go with a discount brokerage. Even though discount brokerages cost less than full service brokerages, they don't offer the same amount of assistance that the full service brokerages do.
If you decide to invest using a Direct Investment Plan or a Dividend Reinvestment Plan, check to make that the company that you are interested in investing in offers such plans because not all of the companies do.
History of the Stock Exchange
One of the biggest misconceptions is that the first stock exchange in America was the New York Stock Exchange. But those who think that this is true might be surprised to find out that the first stock exchange in America was actually in Philadelphia, PA, and it was founded in the year 1790. The very famous New York Stock Exchange was not founded until two years later, in 1792.
Another thing that you hear talk about with regards to the stock exchange is Wall Street. Sometimes people wonder how it got its name. That is actually a very interesting story. Back in 1653, a twelve foot stockade was built by the Dutch settlers to guard against British and Native American attacks. The sturdy wall stood for over 30 years, until 1685. At that time, the wall was torn down and a street was built in it's place - hence the name Wall Street.
The stock market has evolved greatly over the past few centuries. From its humble beginnings in Philadelphia, PA, to the New York Stock Exchange, which is known world wide, the stock market has grown in leaps and bounds. That's not to say that there haven't been problems. Most everyone has heard of the great stock market crash of 1929. There are now steps that the government has taken to prevent such a large crash from happening again, but that doesn't mean that the possibility still isn't there.
The stock market is a place where you can make a lot of money but you can also lose a lot of money as well. If you have decided that you want to try investing in the stock market, it's a good idea to do some research and get advice from people that you trust and who are already investing in the stock market. But be careful, because if you don't invest wisely you can lose a lot of money. Be wise with your investments and take the time to do your homework. This will help you to make the right decision when it comes to your investments.
Learning the Stock Market - Made Easy With Candlestick Signals
How do most people learn the stock market? Usually by the seat of their pants! Unless somebody is specifically interested in how to learn the stock market, most people do not try to learn until they have to. Unfortunately, this puts most investors in a position to learn as they go.
Do you have friends or acquaintances that seem to always do well in the market? How did they learn the stock market? More than likely, they learned a trading system that worked effectively. Then they put that trading system to good use.
To learn the stock market correctly requires studying parameters that can be evaluated in all conditions of market trends. The especially the 12 major signals, provide that format. The make the analysis of trends very easy.
When do most investors want to learn the stock market? Usually after it had a very strong run. Unfortunately, what most investors learn then is a function of what the markets happen to be doing at that time. What might work successfully in the last period of an uptrend may not work at all in a downtrend or a choppy trading period.
To learn the stock market successfully, parameters are required that can be identified in any market trend. The Candlestick signals illustrate investor sentiment. Being able to recognize the bullish sentiment signals and the bearish sentiment signals is the most effective method for learning how to extract profits from the markets.
When will your kids learn the stock market? Probably when they have to! Do not let this happen. Teach your kids how to learn the stock market at an early age. When they learn how to invest at a young age, when it is time for them to invest later in life, they will have background experience so they will not be making the same mistakes that most investors do when they start investing. If not Candlestick investing, expose them now to a trading method that will get them interested in investing.
Candlestick signals are filled with investment information. Learn the major signals and you'll understand how to make money in the markets immediately. That is how to learn the stock market correctly. The Candlestick signals allow an investor to evaluate stock market trends as well as any other trading entity trend. Use them to your advantage for learning the stock market.
Want to learn more?
Stocks vs. Bonds
Stock Splits - Boon or Bust?
Short Selling a Stock
Day Trading

This month’s near-breakdown of the global financial system is a classic example of a pattern that has occurred periodically since the eighteenth century, though not at this magnitude since the Great Depression – an unsustainable investment bubble followed by inevitable collapse and panicky selling of depreciating assets. The results are massive debt, banks (those which have survived) reluctant to lend, job availability plummeting, and 401K retirement plan balances shrinking.
Since much of the regulation designed during the Depression to moderate such declines was jettisoned during the Reagan years, the United States and other countries find themselves more overwhelmed than at any time since the thirties. The key questions are what can be done to keep the present crisis from reprising that dire decade, and how to build up better safeguards to protect us in the future.
Some global financial leaders are confident that the crisis can be contained. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), said last week that “the world is a very different place now from the ‘30s. We have learned from the mistakes of the past, and we have learned from each other’s experiences. We have tools to manage markets and economies now that we did not have then. We have the will to use them. I am confident that we can emerge from this crisis with our economies and our societies intact.” There seems to be general consensus that a much higher level of regulation of banks and other corporations is justified.
Strauss-Kahn went on to endorse a G-7 action plan which includes support of key financial institutions, guarantees for bank deposits, and restarting mortgage markets. He also announced that the IMF would “take the lead in drawing lessons from the crisis and in recommending actions to restore confidence and stability.”

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ان غاب القط العب يا فار
Walls have ears
الجدران ليها ودان
Union is strength
الاتحاد قوه
The more you see the less you know
اللى يعيش ياما يشوف
Time is money
الوقت من ذهب
Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones
اللى بيته من زجاج ميرميش الناس بالحجاره
There is no rose without a thorn
مفيش حلاوه من غير نار
The way to the man's heart is through his stomach
أقرب طريق لقلب الراجل معدته
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
العين قصيره والأيد بصيره
The darkest hour is that before the dawn
ما ضاقت الا أما فرجت
(بعد العسر يسر)
Talk of the devil, and he is sure to appear
اللى يخاف من العرفيت يطلعله
Love is blind
الحب أعمى
Like father like son
هذا الشبل من ذاك الأسد
Life is sweet
الدنيا حلوه
Laugh and the world laughes
اضحك للدنيا تضحكلك
Knowledge is power
العلم نور
It is no use crying over the spilt milk
لا تبكى على اللبن المسكوب
Hunger is the best sauce
الجعان بياكل الزلط
History repeats itself
الزمن بيعيد نفسه
He laughs best who laughs last
الشاطر اللى يضحك فى الاّخر
Half a loaf is better than no bread
نص العما ولا العما كله
Grasp all lose all
الطمع يقل ما جمع
God helps them who help themselves
يد الله مع الجماعه
Forbidden fruit is sweet
الممنوع مرغوب
Constant dropping wears away a stone
خد من التل يختل
Cleanliness is next to godliness
النظافه من الايمان
Charity begins at home
الأقربون أولى بالمعروف
Blood is thicker than water
عمر الدم ميبقى ميه
Birds of feather flock together
الطيور على أشكالها تقع
Better an open enemy than false friend
عدو تعرفه خير من صديق لا تعرفه
Beggars can not be choosers
الفقراء ليس لهم حق الأختيار
All is not gold that glitters
ليس كل ما يلمع ذهب
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
ابعد حبه تزيد محبه
A tree is known by it's fruit
الجواب يتعرف من عنوانه
A soft answer turneth a way wrath
الكلمة الطيبه صدقه
A secret between more than two is not secret
السر لو كان بين أكتر من اتنين ميبقاش سر
A penny saved is a penny gained
القرش الأبيض ينفع فى اليوم الأسود
A man can not serve two masters
صاحب بالين كداب
A man can do no more than he can
اذا أردت أن تطاع فأمر بما يستطاع
A fox is not taken twice in the same snare
المؤمن لا يلدغ من جحر مرتين
A straw a drowning man will clutch
الغرقان يتعلق بقشايه
A cock crows on his own dunghill
بره البيت أسد وجوه البيت نعامه
A cat has nine lives
القط بسبع أرواح
A burnt child dreads fire
اللى اتلسع من الشوربه ينفخ فى الزبادى
A bird in the hand worth ten in the bush
عصفور فى اليد خير من عشره على الشجره
A bad Workman Blames His Tools
الشاطره تغزل برجل حمار