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Online Bingo Tips
Just because you have a computer and a working knowledge of bingo, that doesn't automatically make you an expert at online bingo. The following tips will point you toward a successful online bingo experience.
Safety Guidelines
Many people are afraid that the Internet is full of hackers who will corrupt their computer or steal their credit card number. But playing bingo on the Web shouldn't be a security risk, as long as you observe some simple rules.
Make sure the site is legit. Some gambling sites are perpetrated by shady characters who, in different circumstances, might try to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge. Other sites are just so disorganized that it's nearly impossible to sort through all the passwords, registration numbers, and Web pages, and if you win a prize, you might not see it for months (if at all) due to disorganized Web masters.
Unfortunately, there's no "Better Business Bureau" that specializes in online bingo, particularly with regard to the sites that want your credit card number to play. There should be no problem at all with the "free" sites offered by the big boys of the Web (Uproar, Excite, Gamesville, Bingo.com). If you have doubts about a for-pay site, see if the proprietors address issues of security and privacy (some post "Privacy Policy" statements or descriptions of the security measures they use).
Visit bingo message boards online to see if anyone has reported getting ripped off; the Bingo Bugle Web site offers a feedback column where people can report problems with online bingo games. One site, Bingo!@WinnerOnline, reviews several popular pay-bingo sites.
Don't give out your password. Pick a unique password to protect your account -- preferably one that would be difficult for others to guess. If you forget it, don't worry -- most sites will give you a hint or the option of receiving the password at a private e-mail address.
Beware of Web sites that promise big money. And certainly don't give out your credit card number! Veteran Internet bingo players can tell horror stories about prizes that never arrived and online accounts that weren't credited on time, if ever.
Look for free games. Try sticking to well-trafficked Web sites that promise fun first and prizes for little or no investment on your part. That way, if they aren't up to snuff, you can simply move on, a little wiser and no poorer.
Online Bingo Lingo
When you find a game of bingo to play on the Internet, you may be confused by the alphabet soup that spills out of the chat area while the game is taking place. In order to keep up with the breakneck pace of the virtual bingo caller and, more important, in order to socialize, computer bingo players use shorthand for a variety of common expressions. Below is a sampling of the most common abbreviations you'll see online:
* 73 (or any other number). If a player just needs O-73 to win, he or she may simply type "73" in the chat area, either to let everybody know or hoping for luck.
* pls. "Please!" If somebody is close to getting a bingo on a big jackpot, they may type this. If the number they need is I-17, they may write "17 pls."
* gl. "Good luck!"
* wtg. "Way to go!" When somebody wins an online bingo, you may see an outpouring of
wtg's from the other players.
* gj. "Good job!" An alternative to "wtg."
* tyvm. "Thank you very much." This is shorthand to show gratitude for the well-wishes of other players.
* gg. "Good game." This usually comes from a player who's being a good sport.
* brb. "Be right back." Players use "brb" when they get up for a cup of coffee, need to answer the phone, etc.
* lol. "Laughing out loud." Since nobody can see you laugh online, players will type this to show they appreciated a joke.
rotfl. "Rolling on the floor, laughing." The joke must have been really funny.
After becoming familiar with the online vocabulary and safety tips, you are ready for a game of online bingo. So where can you find a bingo game? Check the last page for a directory of bingo Web sites.
Just because you have a computer and a working knowledge of bingo, that doesn't automatically make you an expert at online bingo. The following tips will point you toward a successful online bingo experience.
Safety Guidelines
Many people are afraid that the Internet is full of hackers who will corrupt their computer or steal their credit card number. But playing bingo on the Web shouldn't be a security risk, as long as you observe some simple rules.
Make sure the site is legit. Some gambling sites are perpetrated by shady characters who, in different circumstances, might try to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge. Other sites are just so disorganized that it's nearly impossible to sort through all the passwords, registration numbers, and Web pages, and if you win a prize, you might not see it for months (if at all) due to disorganized Web masters.
Unfortunately, there's no "Better Business Bureau" that specializes in online bingo, particularly with regard to the sites that want your credit card number to play. There should be no problem at all with the "free" sites offered by the big boys of the Web (Uproar, Excite, Gamesville, Bingo.com). If you have doubts about a for-pay site, see if the proprietors address issues of security and privacy (some post "Privacy Policy" statements or descriptions of the security measures they use).
Visit bingo message boards online to see if anyone has reported getting ripped off; the Bingo Bugle Web site offers a feedback column where people can report problems with online bingo games. One site, Bingo!@WinnerOnline, reviews several popular pay-bingo sites.
Don't give out your password. Pick a unique password to protect your account -- preferably one that would be difficult for others to guess. If you forget it, don't worry -- most sites will give you a hint or the option of receiving the password at a private e-mail address.
Beware of Web sites that promise big money. And certainly don't give out your credit card number! Veteran Internet bingo players can tell horror stories about prizes that never arrived and online accounts that weren't credited on time, if ever.
Look for free games. Try sticking to well-trafficked Web sites that promise fun first and prizes for little or no investment on your part. That way, if they aren't up to snuff, you can simply move on, a little wiser and no poorer.
Online Bingo Lingo
When you find a game of bingo to play on the Internet, you may be confused by the alphabet soup that spills out of the chat area while the game is taking place. In order to keep up with the breakneck pace of the virtual bingo caller and, more important, in order to socialize, computer bingo players use shorthand for a variety of common expressions. Below is a sampling of the most common abbreviations you'll see online:
* 73 (or any other number). If a player just needs O-73 to win, he or she may simply type "73" in the chat area, either to let everybody know or hoping for luck.
* pls. "Please!" If somebody is close to getting a bingo on a big jackpot, they may type this. If the number they need is I-17, they may write "17 pls."
* gl. "Good luck!"
* wtg. "Way to go!" When somebody wins an online bingo, you may see an outpouring of
wtg's from the other players.
* gj. "Good job!" An alternative to "wtg."
* tyvm. "Thank you very much." This is shorthand to show gratitude for the well-wishes of other players.
* gg. "Good game." This usually comes from a player who's being a good sport.
* brb. "Be right back." Players use "brb" when they get up for a cup of coffee, need to answer the phone, etc.
* lol. "Laughing out loud." Since nobody can see you laugh online, players will type this to show they appreciated a joke.
rotfl. "Rolling on the floor, laughing." The joke must have been really funny.
After becoming familiar with the online vocabulary and safety tips, you are ready for a game of online bingo. So where can you find a bingo game? Check the last page for a directory of bingo Web sites.